I received " The Lemonade Award " for a positive attitude and gratitude ,
This award today is not what I deserve because my attitude today stink's. I am definitively not in a positive attitude and isn't it strange this is the day you get something like this.
It's telling me stop whining ! and be happy, isn't there a movie or something with this phrase, anyway.
So with this in mind I am doing it....OMG somebody kick me please !
Gosh sometimes it's so hard to pull yourself out of these yuk moments !
I'm going to stop focusing on me and look at a few people much more deserving.
So I am passing this award to :
These individuals are much more deserving. They add so much to our world with their efforts, talents and great attitudes.
Please check each and everyone.
The rules for this if you choose is :
-Post the logo
-Nominate 7 others blogs that show gratitude and attitude
-List and link your nominator in your post and blog
-Let them know there recipients
But you can do whatever you want. After seeing each of these recipients again my attitudes is getting better, thank you all.